Power Assisted Bicycles also known as PABs are basically bicycles with an electric motor powered to help the rider in the journey. You will have to “kick-start” the PAB by pedaling; throttles can only be used after the initial propulsion. In simpler terms, you will need to pedal first before using the motor to boost your ride. Easy.
Sounds simple eh? Let’s get crackin’ on the rules and regulations for PABs. Yes, you read that right, PAB riders have rules to follow too. Nothing too over the top, as long as you are following the rules, you are golden. Make Singapore a safer country *inserts fist pump*.
Not too bad huh, rather straightforward. Wait, there’s more to this. Things to make sure before buying a PAB! Always, and I emphasis, always ensure your PAB meets all these requirements.
That is about it for the current rules and regulations on the usage of PABs in Singapore. We will post more blogs with new updates on PABs!
We are also offering trade-in programs with a purchase of a new PAB from us! Kindly drop us a message to know more about this!